1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. Third Year. First Semester. 5 English-Literature, 27. 5 Mathematics-Algebra, 87. 5 Latin-Sallust, 6g. l 5 Greek-Beginning, 51, o, 5 German-Beginning, 44. Second Semester. 5 English-Literature, 27. 5 l\lathematics-Geometry, 88. 5 Lati1l-Cicero, 70. l 5 Greek-Beginning, 5r, o, 5 German-Beginning, 44. Fourth Year . First Semester. Second Semester. 5 Physics-Elementary, 100. 5 Biology-Elementary, 6. 5 Mathematics-Geometry, Sg. 5 Mathematics-Geometry, Sg. 5 Latin-Vergil, 71. 5 Latin-Ovid, 72. r 5 Greek-Anabasis, 52, { 4 Greek-Homer, 53, or and 1 5 Germ~~-Reading and Com- , Greek-New Testament, 53, pos111on, 45. or 5 German-Wilhelm Tell, 46. -40-