1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. ETHICS: 3 Theoretical and Practical, JS, l7Rt::NCU: 4 Beginning, 39. 3 Reading and Conversation, 40. J Reading and Composition, 41. Cr.01..ocv: 3 General Geology, 43. Ct:RMAN: s Beginning, 44. 5 Reading and Composition, 45. 5 Wilhelm Tell, 46. 4 Schiller. 47. 4 Heine, 4,8. 3 Goethe, 49 and 50. J J uvcnal, 78. J Plautus, 79. J i\lartial, So. J Terence, 81. J Catulus, 82. J Pliny, 83. Loc,c: J Jntroductory, 84. i\lATIH:MATICS: 4 Algebra, 90. 4 Trigonometry, 91. 4 Analytical Geometry, 92. -I Surveying, 93. 4 Calculus, 94. i\lus1c: Elective i\lllsic, 95. 5 Beginning, 51. ORATORY: 5 Anabasis, 52. Elective Oratory, g6. 5 Homer, and Creek Testament,PttrLOSOPIIY: 4 11::~dotus, 54 _ 3 History of Philosophy, 97. 4 Memorabilia, 55. PsvcuOI.OGY: 3 Plato, 56. .1 General Psychology, g8. 3 Demosthenes, 57. 3 Advanced Psychology, 99. 1-IF.BRF.W: .l Beginning. sB. H1STORY: 3 Ancient, 61. J Modern, 62. 3 Colonial, 63. .l Revolutionary. 64. J National. 65. 3 Geographic. 66. 3 Economic:, 18. LATIN: 4 Cicero, 73. 4 Livy, 74. .l Quintilian, 75. 3 Horace. 76. 3 Tacitus. i7- P11Y$ICS: 3 General Physics, 101. J Advanced Physics, 102. Po1.1T1C,\L Sc!ENCF.: .l i\lunicipal Government. 104. .l Party Government, 105. J Comparative Co,·ernmcnt, rn6. J International Law, 107. J International Politics, 1oS. Socror..oc:y: .l General Sociology, 109. J Social Psychology, 110. .l Socialism. 111. J Social Problems, 112. J Charities and Corrections, t 13. J Applied Sociology. 114.