1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. BIOLOGY, P tWl'ESSORS PAl,MF,R AND LANNING, AN"D Miss ALL£N. 6. Eu:,-lf:!'.TARY-This is a course in physiology, geology, and botany. The text is Bailey and Coleman. Required in the fourth . year of the Preparatory Course, and in the T eachers' Course, first year. Five hours a week, second semester. 7- GENERAL B1ot.0ev-This course embraces a study of the anatomy and life history of typical animals and plants to illustrak the fundamental laws of the science. The subject is presented in lectures, recitations, and laboratory work. The text is Linville and Kelly's. Required of Juniors in the Collegiate Department. Thre.: ho"rs 0- week, first semester. 8. BOTANY-This course includes a study of the v:i.rious plant groups and o f the organs and tissues and physiology of plants. Laboratory and field work is required. The text is Bergen's Prin– ciples. Required of Juniors in the Collegiate D epartment. Thre.– ho1,rs a 1.t.Jeek, second semester. CHEM ISTRY. PROFF.SSORS PALMER ANO LANNIN'C. 9. Cf:NERAL CHEMISTRY-The course forms an introduction to the science, consisting of a study of the various elements and their compounds as to their occurrence, preparation, properties, and use. The text is McPherson and Henderson's. Required of Freshmen. Fowr /to14rs a ·week thro11gho11t the year. 10. Q u,\l,1TATn·i,: ANALYS1s-This course consists of a study of metals and acids and the tests for each, followed by practical work on salts, alloys, and other common substances. The text is Noyes' Qualitative Analysis. Required of Juniors in the Scientific Course and o f Sophomores in the Engineering Course. Elective for all others who have completed General Chemistry. Three hours a week throughout the year. 11. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS-This course consists of the prin– ciples of gravimetric and volumetric analysis, with practical work in ores, limestone, fertilizers, and technical products. The text is Foulk's Quantitative Analysis. E lective for all who have completed Qualitative Analysis. Three hours a week throughout the year. -44-