1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. Sophomores, J uniors, and Seniors. Three hours a ;.veek, seco11d .semester. 19. TRANSPORTATION-The topics studied are the general 1>ri11- ciples of railway transportation, the history of American railroads, the development of organization, management, consolidations, and control, railway finance and rate making, state and federal legisla– tion, the Interstate Commerce Commission. T he text is Johnson's American Railway Transportation. Electi\!e for Sophomores. Juniors, and Seniors. Three ho11rs a week, fir.st .semester. EDUCATION. PROFESSOR ALLEN. 20. HISTORY 01'' EDUCATION-T he educational systems and ideals of Oriental and classical nations, of ).fedia::val Europe and of modern times arc considered in their bearings on present problems. T he text is Painter's. Required of students in the Teachers' Course, first year. Electi\!e for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three Jw"r.s o U!eek, first .semester. 21. PRINCIPl,ES OF P~:oAGOGY-The fundamental principles are explained and illustr:ued and applied in a practical way to the \"a– rious problems of class-room instruction. The texts are 1\1cl\ 1 Iurry·s General l\Iethod and Method of the Recitation. Required o f stu– dents in the Teachers' Course. first year. Elective for Sophomores, J uniors, and Seniors. Three Jio11rs a ·wi:ek_, .si:i:ond .semester. 22. SCHOOi, MA:-:,,cOtENT-The art of teaching and school gO\!– crnment and discipline, with the practical application o f principles and concrete illustrations, are the subjects studied. T he texts are \Vhite's Art of Teaching and School l\lanagement. Required of students in the Teachers' Course, second year. Electi\"e for Sopho– mores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours o week, first semester. 23. Scnoor, SvrF.R\!ISION-This course is intended primarily for those preparing for positions as superintendents or principals, but will be helpful to all teachers. It treats of school administration and supervision. T he text is Chancellor's Our Schools. Required of students in the Teachers' Course, second year. Electi\!e for Sopho– more!;, J uniors, and SCniors. Three ho11r.s a week, .seeo11d semester. - 46-