1910-1911 Academic Catalog

.:..H.:rt.. P.'! CEDARVILLE COL/oEGE. S"T ' I •• 24. Sc1-1001. LAw ANO Rt:ADJNC C1Rc1.i:: Tt:xT-A study of the school laws of the State of Ohio is followed by a thorough mastery of the required Reading Circle Text in pedagogy. Required of stu– dents in the Teachers' Course, second year. Elective for Sopho– mores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours a week, scco11d semester. ENGLISH. PROl'F.SSOR s~IITH AND Assocun: PRon:ssoR ORR. 25. GRAMMAR ,\ND CoMPOSITIOx-The diagram, analysis, punc– tuation, transposition, abridging of sentences, inflections, and com– position constitute the work. The text is Reed and Kellogg's Higher Lessons in English. Required in the first year of the Preparatory and Teachers' Courses. Five !tours a. <-1.1cek thro11glro11t tire ye01·. 26. RHF.TORIC AKO L1T£RATUR1::-Thc fundamental principles of rhetoric, supplemented by English classics, are studied. The text is Kellogg's. Required in the second year of the Prepara1ory Course. Five ho11rs a week tlzro11gho11t the year. 27. LITERATURE-T he classics prescribed by the committee of colleges and secondary schools are studied. Required in the third year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week thro11gho11t the :)•ear. 28. RHIITORIC-Exprcssion of simple, fluent, and forcible Eng– lish is taught. Composition, style, figures, and thought are the main subjects. Cemmg's Practical Elements and Hand-Book are the texts. Required of Freshmen and of students in the Teachers' Course, second year. Fo11r hours a week, first semester. 29. R1n:TOR1c-Essays, debates, and continuation of text-book study. Cenung's Practical Elements and Hand-Book arc the texts. Required of Freshmen and of students in the Teachers' Course, second year. Four hours a a,eek. seco11d semester. JO. ENCLJSH L1TERATURt:-Chaucer, Spenser, Bacon, Shake– speare, 1\lilton, Dryden, Addison, Pope, Burns, Coldsmith, Johnson, Scott, Byron, \Vords\\'Orth, and Tennyson arc studied. The text is Painter's. Required of Sophomores in the Classical, Philosophical, and Literary Courses and of students in the Teachers' Course, second year. Electi\·e to students of the Scientific Course. Three hours a week, first semester. J I. A~IERICAN LITERATURE-American authors will form the basis of this course. The text is Painter's. Required of Sophomores - 47-