1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. in Lhc Classical, Philosophical, and Literary Courses and of students in the Teachers' Course, second year. Elective for Scientific stu– dents. Three lioitrs a week, seco11d semester. 32. ENCLISR PotnY-This course includes a study of verse structure and an analysis of selected poems; also a critical study of the early nineteenth century poets, Coleridge, Scott, Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Keats. Required of Juniors in the Literary Course. Elective for others. Three ho11rs a week, first semester. 33. SHAKESPF.ARF.-A careful study and analysis is made of some of ShaKespeare's tragedies and comedies. Others are read rapidly. \Vrittcn critiques arc required. Required of J uniors in the Literary Course. Elective for others. Three hours a week, second semester. J4. THE EssAv-Selected essays of Ruskin, Emerson, and others are made the basis of the course. Collateral reading is re– quired of each student and oral reports given in class. Required of Seniors in the Literary Course. Elective for others. Three hours a week, first semester. 35. THE NovEL--The deYelopment of the novel from its earliest form to that o f the modern short story is traced. Each student is required to do a certain amount of collateral reading and prepare written reviews and criticisms. Required of Seniors in the Literary Course. Elective for others. Three holfrs a ·week, seco11d semester. 36. SHORT STORY \VRITING--A careful study is made of the structure of the short story and much attention given to the details of composition and to literary excellence. The text is Barrett's Short Story \.Vriting. Electi\'e for Sophomores, Juniors, and Se– niors. Three hours a wrck, first semester. 37. A.-.1ERICAN" PoETRY-A survey is taken of the most charac– teristic works of Bryant, Poe. Emerson, Longfellow, \Vhittier. Holmes, Lowell, \.Vhitman, Lanier, and Riley. Elective for Sopho– mores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours a week, scco11d semester. ETHICS. PROf"ES:'-OR '.\kCH!-:SNl-:Y. JS,-THF.ORETICAL ;\ND PRACTJCAI.-Virtue, freedom, duty, indi– ,·idual and social ethics make up the course. Required o f Seniors. The text is Gregory's. Three J,o"rs a week, first semester. -.,S-