1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. FRENCH. PROl'F.SSOR SMITH. 39. 8F.CIN":-IING--Crammar, com1>0sition, and constanl drill in syntax, with colloquial practice and some essay reading, constitute the work. The texts are Aldrich and Foster's Elementary French and Chien du Brisquct. Req11ircd of Freshmen in the Scientific and Literary Courses. Elective for others. Fo11r hours a week thro11gh- 011t the year. 40. READING ANO CONVERSATION-Reading and colloquia) prac– tice, with review of grammar, conc;titutc the work of the course. The texts are About's La :\!Crc de la :\larquisc, Labiche's La Gram– mairc, and Comfort's Exercises in French Prose Composition. Re– quired of Sophomores in the Scientitic and Literary Courses. Elective for others. Tltrce hours a trecJ:, first semester. 41. R~:ADINC AND CoMPOSl'l'ION-Reading and composition arc continued. The texts are Feval's La Fee des CrCves, Paillerou·s Le Mond ou l'ou s'ennuie, and Comfon·s French Prose Composition. Required of Sophomores in the Scientific and Literary Courses. Elective for others. Three hours a 1.,1cck, scco11d semester. GEOGRAPHY. PROFESSOR LANNING. 42. Oi::sc.R1i'TivE AND P11vs1c,H.-A thorough course in both subjects is given. The texts arc Redway and Hinman·s Natural Advanced in Descripti\·e, and Gilbert and Brigham's in Physical Geography. Required in the second year of the Preparatory Course and in the Teachers' Course, second year. Five J,011,-s a week, src- 011d semester. GEOLOGY. PROFESSOR )URKAT. 43. Gr.N~:RAI. Geo1.()(,Y-This course takes up the different phases of the science as presented in dynamic geology with their application to historical geology. Field work is required. The text is Brigham's Revised. Required of Seniors in the Scientific Course. Elective for others. Three hours a week, second semester. -49-