1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. GERMAN. PRon:ssm1.s }URK.'\T .'\ND s~IITH. 44. Bioc1NNINC-Constant drill in inflection and syntax is given. and both oral and written work rCQllircd. The text is Collar's. Rc– <1uired of Freshmen in the Scientific and Literary Courses who have not already taken German and in the third year of the Preparatory Course. Elective for others. Five lio11rs a week tlaro11gl101it the year. 45. READING AND Co:-.1POSITION-The work consists of easy stories and constant drill in composition and syntax. The text is Lange's :\[ethod. Required of Sophomores in the Scientific and Literary Courses who h<we taken but one year of German, and in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course. Elective for others. Five ho1trs a week, first semester. 46. \VtLHEI.M TE1.1.-The course offers drill work in poetry and study of the German drama. The text is Lambert's. Required of Sophomores in the Scientific and Literary Courses who have taken but one year of German and in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course. Elective for others. Five hours a week. second scmcstl'r. 47. ScHILL£R-)'faria Stuart is read, with review of grammar and history. The text is Deering's. Required of Freshmen in the Philosophical, Scientific, and Literary Courses. Elective for others. Four hours a ·week, first semester. 48. HE1N£-Harucise and Poems arc read, with a study of politics and society. The text is Cregor·s. Required of Freshmen in the Philosophical, Scientific, and Literary Courses. Elective for others. Three hours a ·week, first semester. 49. GOETHF.:-Fa11st, Part T, is read, with a study of its philos– ophy. The text is Thoma!-. Required of Sophomores in the Philo– sophical, Scientific, and Literary Courses, Elective for others. Three ho11rs a ;.;;eek, first semester. 50. GOETHE-Faust, Pan TI, is read, with philosophy and phi– lology. The text is Thomas. Required of Sophomores in the Philo– sophical, Scientific, and Literary Courses. Elective for others. Three lio11rs a week, second semester. -So-