1910-1911 Academic Catalog

Cl:DARV/LU! COLLEGE. HEBREW. PROI'ESSOR J URKAT. 58. Bf-:GJNNJNG-A thorough drill is given in etymology, syntax, and paradigms. Parts of Genesis are read. Elective for Sopho– mores, Juniors, and Seniors. The text is Harper's Inductive Method. Three hours o week th,,-011gho11t the year. H ISTORY. PROFESSOR J URKAT. 59. ANCIENT AND 1\IF.DIEV,\I,--The work consists of a thorough drill in the leading faCLs and instruction in methods of studying history. The texts are Myers' and Ledbetter's Outlines. Required in the first year of the P reparatory and T eachers' Courses. Five hours a week, first semester. 6o. 11oDERN AND A~n:RICAN".-Text-book study is supplemented by collateral reading. The texts are Myers', Ledbetter's, and Mont– gomery's. Required in the first year of the Preparatory and T each– ers' Courses. Five ho11rs a week, second semester. 61. ANClF.NT-Ancient History is studied, closing with Charle– magne. The text is \Vest. Required of Juniors in the Classical and Philosophical Courses. Elective for others. Three hours a week, first semester. 62. MODERN-Modem History is pursued with especial emphasis .on the French Revolution. The text is West. Required of Juniors in the Classical and Philosophical Courses. Elective for others. Three ho11rs er week, second semester. 63. CoLON1A1.-Colonial History to the French and Indian War is st11died. The text is Fisher's Colonial Era. Elective for Sopho– mores, Juniors, and Seniors. T hree fw1trs o week, first sc,ncster. 64. R~:vo1.uT10NAkY-This course completes the French and Indian Viar and the Revolution. The text is Sloane's French War and Revolution. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hour's a week, second semester'. 65. N ATIONAI,--The formation o f the Union is studied to Mon– roe's administration. The text is W alker's Making of the Nation. -52-