1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CCDARVll.LC COLLEG[i. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors. and Seniors. Three hours a wee!.·, first semester. 66. GEOGRAPHIC-The bearing of geography on nationality is studied. The text is Brigham's Geographic TnAuences on American History. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three ho11rs a week, seco11d semester. LATIN. PROFESSORS McCHF.SNE'i ANO ALLF.N, AND Miss STORMONT. 6i. BEGINNING-The course embraces pronunciation, paradigms, rules, translation of exercises, and short stories. The text is Pear– son's Essentials. Required in the first year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week tltrougllout the year. 68. C.IF.SAR AND COMPOSITION-Roman history, Viri Rom::e, Nepos, Cresar, and composition, with a review of paradigms and syntax, fom1 the work of the class. The text is Rolfe and Den– nison's J unior Latin Book. Required in the second year of the Preparatory Course. Five ho11rs a week thro11gho11I the year. 6g. S,H.LUST-Thc J ugurthinc \:Var and Catiline's Conspiracy are read. The texts arc Coleridge's and Herhennann's. Required in the third year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week, first semester. 70. C1CF.Ro-Thc Orations against Catiline and the one for Milo are read. The text is Harper and Gallup's. Required in the third year of the Preparatory Course. Five flours a week, seco11d se– mester. 71. VERGir..-The .-'Eneid and Mythology form the basis of the course. The text is Harper and i\liller's. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course. Fi.,e hours a week, first se– mester. 72. Ov10--T he Metamorphoses and Mythology are studied. The text is Miller's. Required in the fourth yeat of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week, seco11d semester. i3• CrCF.Ro-De Amicitia and De Senectute are read, with a review of inflected forms and syntax. The text is Chase and - SJ-