1910-1911 Academic Catalog

Cl:.DARV/LU?, COLLEGE. SJ. Pt,1Nv-Selected letlcrs are read. The text is ~errill's. Preston and Dodge's Private Lifo of the Romans is studied. Elect– ive for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours a week, seco,rd semester. LOGIC. PROfESSOR l\foRGAN. 8.f. fNTRODUCTORY-The subject is taken up in a systematic manner, terms, propositions, and syllogisms being followed by fal– lacies and practical examples. The text is Creighton's. Required of Juniors. Thrre hours a week, second semester. MATHEMATICS. PRon:ssoR MORGAN, l\!Jss~:s Al,I.F.N ANO \VII.UAMSON Al\"D 1fR. MORGAN. 85. ARJTHMt-:nc-A systematic course is given in general and practical principles. The text is \Vhite's Complete Arithmetic. Re– quired in the first year of the Preparatory and Teachers" Courses. Five hours a 'i.lJCCk thro11gho11t tire year. 86. Al.CEBRA-This comse is for beginners. The text is Went– worth's Elementary Algebra. Required in the second year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a ic:cek thro11gho11t the year. 87. Ar.CF.BRA-This course is advanced work, beginning with quadratics and completing \.Ventworth"s Elementary Algebra. Re– q11ired in the third year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a ·week. first semester. 88. GF.O~H~Rv-Plane Geometry, giving work in theorems and original exercises, is begun. The text is \li/entworth's. Required in the third year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a -:.c1eel.•. src- 011d semesler. Sg. Gf:o:-.1F.TRY-Plane Geometry is completed, and Solid Geom– etry taken up and finished. The text is \•Ventworth's. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course. Fl'l.·e hours a ·wrr!.· lhrougliout the l'l'ar. go. Al.CEBRA-This is an advanced course in Algebra, in which the chief topics are progressions, permutations and combinations, probability, complex munbers, theory of equations, determinants and -ss-