1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CF.DARVILLE COLLEGE.. infinite series. The text is \Ventworth's. Required of Freshmen. Fo11r hours a. 7.J.Jeck, first semester. 91. TRJco:,ioMt.'TRV-Trigonometric functions are studied with respect to their relation to the solmion of the triangle, both J)lanc and spherical. Practical problems arc given; also problems in sur– veying, na\·igation, and astronomy. The text is \Ventworth's. Re– quired of Freshmen. Fo11r lzours a werk, second semester. 92. ANAI.YTICAI, GEOMETRY-Rectilinear and polar coordinates, with their applications to the point, line, circle, conic sections, and higher plane curves are studied. The text is Smith and Cales' Ele– ments. Required of Sophomores in the Scientific and Engineering Courses. Elective for others. Four hours a 7.l•cek, first semester. 93. SuRvt:v1Nc-1\luch time is gil·en to field work, involving the use of chain, compass, transit, and level. Systematic and accurate field notes arc required. Required of Sophomores in the Scientific and Engineering Courses. Elective for others. Four hours a i.,.Jl'ck, srco11d semester. 94. CAI.CULUs-Thc course comprises both differential and in– tegral calculus, with their applications to physical and kindred prob– lems. The text is Grnnvill's. Required of Sophomores in the Engi– m"!ering Course. Elective for others. Four ho11rs a week t/1ro"gho11t the yrar. MUSIC. PROFF.SSOR RusSF.LL. 95. ELF.CTI\'£ ~Iu~1c-Elccti,·c work in music to the amount of eighteen credits will be counted toward the Bachelor of Arts degree. · One lesson a week for one f:emester constitutes the work required for one credit. Students electing music must pay the usual fees for lessons in music in addition to their reg11lar tuition fees. This course is open to Sophomores, J11niors. and Seniors. See the De– partment of 1h1,;ie for the natt1re of the work oITerecl. ORATORY. PRO~'ESSOR Fox. g6. El.F.CTIVF. ORATORY-Elective work in oratory to the amount of eighteen credits will be counted toward the Bachelor of Arts degree. One lesson a week for one semester constitutes the work -56-