1910-1911 Academic Catalog

Cl:DARVJLLE COLLF.Cl":. required for one credit. Students electing oratory must pay the usual fees for lessons in oratory in addition to their regular tuition fees. This course is open to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. See 1he Department of Oratory for the nature of the work offered. PHILOSOPHY. PROFESSOR l\•fcCHESNF.Y. 97. HISTORY oi: P M11.osor11v-The text is Weber's History of Philosophy. Required of Seniors in the Philosophical Course. Elective for others. Three hours a week, first semester. PSYCHOLOGY, PRon:ssoR l\fcCHF.SNEv. 98. G~:XF.RAl. P:wcnoLOGv-An introductory course in psychol– ogy is given. James' Briefer Course is the text. Required of Juniors and of students in the Teachers' Course, second year. Three hours a ~tieek, first semester. 99. ADvANCF.D PsYCH01.ocv-Elcctive work is offered to all who have taken General Psychology. The texts are Judd's, Davis', and Porter's. Required of Seniors in the Philosophical Course. Elective for Juniors and Seniors. Three lto11rs a week, sccoud srmestu. PHYSICS. PROl'F.SSORS PAun:R ANO LANNTN'G. 100. El.F.MF.N'f'ARV PHYSICS-The fundamental principles, with laboratory work, are presented. The text is Carhart and Chute's. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course and in the Teachers' Course, first year. Ffr1c hours a week, first semester. 101. Gr.NERAI. Pttvs1cs-i\.lcchanics, heat, electricity, sound, and light are the topics studied. Lectures are given, and laboratory work required. T he text is Gage's Principles of Physics. Required of Sophomores. Tltrre lto11rs a week tl1ro11glto11t the yem'. 102. ADVAX'CF.P PHYSICS-T he course consists of recitations and lectmes. The text is '.\Jiller's. Elective for all who have completed General Phyc;ics. Thrre ho11rs a wrek ll1ro11gho11f the year. -57-