1910-1911 Academic Catalog

cr:nARI.ILLP. COLLJ:'GJ:. POLITICAL SCIENCE. PRoFf:SSOR ALu:N. 103. UN1n:o STATl".S GovERN)JENT-The Federal Constitution is m:tde the basis for a study of American civil government. The text is Andrews' :\lanual of the Constitution. Required in the second year of the Preparatory and Teachers' Courses. Five hours a week, first semester. 104- :\IUNICIPAL GoVERN:!>lENT-1'his course embraces a com– parati,·e study of the organization :md administr.ition of city govern– ment in Europe and the United States. The texts are Shaw and Goodnow's. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours a ·week, first semester. 105. P,\RTY GovERN)EENT-This course takes up the study of the party system in the United States, its origin. theory, and develop– ment. The text is :\lacy's. Elective for Sophomores, Juniori;, and Senior;.. Three hours a week, scco11d semester. 1o6. CO:!>IP,\RATIVF, GovERN ~lf.NT -This course embraces a dis– cussion of the general principles of jurisprudence and politics, the ,·arious theories oi the State, the growth of go,·ernmems, their presl'nt tendencies and international relations. The text is \Vilson·s The State. Elective for Sophomores. Juniors, and Seniors. Three ho11rs a iucek, first semester. 107. INTt:RNATION,\L LAw-The origin, progress, and principleg of International Law are studied, illustrated, and thoroughly dis– cussed. The text is Da,·is' Elements. ElcctiYe for Sophomores. Juniori;, and Seniors. Three hours a weeJ.·, seco11d semester. roS. lxTERN,\'TIONAJ, Po1.1T1cs-The subject is studied with spe– cial reference to the relations of the United States to other nations. The text ic; Coo\idge·s The United States as a \Vorld Power. Elcct– iYe for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three !,ours a t,•e,·k. first semrstrr. SOCIOLOGY. PRo•·F.sSOR A1.u:N. 10). c~:NF.RAI. Soc101.oc,·-A c:1reful study of social c, 1 olution, "-QCialization. social control, and social ideals is followed by an in– ,·e~tigation of social pathology, including poverty, crime, and social degeneration, ,, ith special :tttention to the amelioration of social con- -58-