1910-1911 Academic Catalog

Cl:DAl?l'ILLE COL.LEGG. ditions. The text is Blackmar's Elements. Required of Seniors. Three hours o week, second semester. 110. Soc1A1, PSYCHOLOGY-The phenomena presented by collect– ive knowing, feeling, and willing, and the psychology of the crowd are studied. The text is Ross' Social Psychology. Elective for Soph– omores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three ho11rs a week, first semester. 111. SocJALISM-A study of the spirit and meaning of the move– ment and a careful consideration of the arguments for and against socialistic proposals constitute the work. The texts are Kirkup's Tnquiry into Socialism and History of Socialism. Elective for Soph– omores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three lrollrS a week, second semester. 112. SOCIAL PROBU:Ms-The problems of population, immigra– tion, growth of cities, wealth and poverty, marriage and di,•orce, and others will receive careful attention. Various texts are used. Elect– ive for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours a week, first semester. 113. CHARITIES ,,Nn CoRRF.CTIONs-The dependent, defective, and delinquent classes, and the administration of charitable and correc– tional affairs are the topics of study. The texts are Henderson's and Divine's. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three lumrs o week, second semester. 114. APPl.11::0 Soc101.0Gv-The possibility of the conscious im– pro,·ement of society by society is made the subject of study. The text is Ward's Applied Sociology. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors. and Seniors. Three hours a week. second spmesler. -59-