1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE. COLLl.!.GJ:. RATES OF TUITION. COLLEGIATE, ENGINEERING, TEA CHERS' AND PREPARA– TORY DEPA RTMENTS. The fee for instruction in the Collegiate, Engineering, Teachers' and Preparatory Departments is eighteen dollars per semester, payable upon the opening day. This includes a tuition fee of fi £teen dollars and a contingent fee of three dollars. The graduation and diploma fee, payable with tuition at the beginning of the second semester of the last year of the course, is five dollars. The laboratory fee in Chemistry is three dollars per semester, the breakage deposit three dollars in General Chemistry and five dollars in E lect• ive Chemistry. After breakage has been deducted, the re• mainder will be returned. The laboratory fees in Biology, Botany, and Physics are three dollars per semester. DEPARTMENT OF O RATORY. The tuition fee in Oratory is ninety cents a lesson for twelve lessons, one dollar for single lessons. and three clol• Jars for twelve lessons of class work. A contingent fee of one dollar per semester is required of all students who have not paid the thrce•dollar contingent fee in some other department of the College.