1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLE.GE. DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. The rates of tuition in Music are eleven dollars per semester for one lesson a week in Piano or in Voice Cul– ture. six dollars for one lesson a week in Harmony. thirteen dollars per semester for one lesson a week in Violin, and nine dollars per semester for one lesson a week in Cornet. A contingent fee of one dollar per semester is required of all students in Music who have not paid the three-dollar contingent fee in some other department of the College. SUMMARY OF EXPENSES FOR A YEAR. lt~~i~t Boarding. J6 weeki;., $2.40 10 $3.00 per week ..$86.40 Room rem, heat. and light. 36 weeks, $1.00 to $1.50 per week.. . .... 36.00 Tuition and contingent fees... 36.00 Text-books, $5.00 to $10.00. . 5.00 Total. -65- Highest r-:eccssary Cost. $1o8.oo 54.00 36.00 I0.00 $ 208.oo