1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 1900. Cora A. Anderson, Ph.B. . ... ............. Springfield, Ohio Lulu M. Coe-Swaby, Ph.B. . .Cedarville, Ohio Rev. W alter A. Condon, A.B . . . .Clarion, Iowa Pastor First United Presbyterian congregation. Prof. J. Robb.Harper, A.B.. . .... W ilmette, Ill. Superintendent of Schools. S. Elizabeth Hopping-Paull, Ph.B. an<l ).1usic.. . .New Salem, Pa. Rev. 'Wallace VI/. Iliffe, A.B...................... Brookline, '.\lass. Pastor Presbyterian congregation. Bertha L. Knott, Ph.B. . . .Springfield, Ohio Mary B. Knott, Ph.B.. Nellie B. Lewis, M.S.. Anna M. Orr-Wilson, Ph.B. Rev. B. McLeod Paul, A.B. Nellie F. Ustick, A.B. Teacher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Springfield, Ohio .Cedarville, Ohio . .... Hanna City, Ill. . ... .. ........ New Bedford, Pa. . .Columbus, Ohio Stenographer. Rev. Clarence A. Young, A.B. ..Philadelphia, Pa. Pastor Third Reformed Presbyterian congregation. 1901. J. Fred. Anderson, Ph.B., B.L.. . ........ Springfield, Ohio Lawyer. Olive D. Coe, Ph.B. . .Cedarville, Ohio J. Blanche Ervin 4 Smith.. .....Cedarville, Ohio E!kana E. Finney, A.B., B.Agr.. . .. Cedarville, Ohio Rev. Robert C. Galbreath, A.B...................Susquehanna, Pa. Pastor Presbyterian congregalion. J. Cecil George, A.M., M.D.. .Dayton, Ohio Surgeon in State Hospital. Prof. George A. Harper, A.B.. . .. Wilmette, Ill. Teacher of Mathematics in High School. Rev. Robert B. Vv'ilson, A.B. .Hanna City, Ill. Pastor Presbyterian congregation. -71-