1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 1902. Mary B. Ervin, A.B.. . .Cedarville, Ohio A"sociate Profe.;sor of Ancient Languages in Cedarville College. Ethel Fields-Creswell, ::\lusic.. .Cedarville, Ohio J. Cecil George, A.B., M.D., Music.. .Dayton, Ohio Surgeon in State Hospital. Rev. Homer B. Henderson, A.B. . .St. Louis, Mo. Pastor \-Vagoncr Place United Presbyterian congregation. 1903. Vera Andrew, A.B. . .......Cedarville, Ohio Student of Music, Cedarville College. Alice M. Bromagem-Jurkat, Ph.B.. . ... .. ...... .Cedarville, Ohio John M. Finney, Jr., A.B. . .Cincinnati, Ohio Medical Student. Alfaretta Hammond, A.B. . ................ .. .Cairo, Egypt United Presbyterian i\Iissionary. Lulu M. Henderson, A.B.. . .. ...Cedarville, Ohio Nora Paullin, Music.. Dora Siegler, Music .. Lucy Smith, :\Iusic. Agnes K. Stormont, Ph.B. Rev. John J. \.Vilson, A.B.. ..................... ] amestown, Ohio . .Cedarville, Ohio Teacher. Teacher. . ...Jamestown, Ohio . .Cedarville, Ohio ......... Virginia, Ill. Pastor Presbyterian congregation. S. Calvin Wright, A.B. . .Cedarville, Ohio Editor Cedarville Record. 1904. J. Fred Barber, A.B .. Frank S. Bird, A.B .. Frank B. Bull, A.B .. . ............. New York City Lawyer. In business. Journalist. Lulu M. Coe-Swaby. Ph.B., Music . . -72- .Los Angeles, Cal. . ....... Shelbyville, Ind. . .. Cedarville. Ohio