1911-1912 Academic Catalog

PR£PAJIAT0RY COURSES French, German, or Greek, which he then puri:>ues throughout the remainder of the course: First Year, First Semester. Latin-Beginning Mathematics-Elementary Algebra. English-Elementary Rhetoric. Science-Physical Geography. Hours Per \Vcck. First Year, Second Semester. Latin-Beginning ..... ?iiathematics-Elemcntary Algebra. English-Elementary Rhetoric Science-Physiology Second Year, First Semester. Latin-Nepos and Composition. Mathematics-Higher Algebra English-Classics History-Ancient Second Year, Second Semester. Latin-Caesar and Composition. 1\Iathematics-Plane Geometry. English-Classics History-l\Iedieval and l\Iodern. Third Year, First Semester. Latin-Sallust l\Iathematics-Plane Geometry. Political Science-Civics. French-Beginning or German-Beginning or reek-Beginning 37