1911-1912 Academic Catalog

DEPARTMENTS AND COURSES OF INSTRUCTION. The departments of instruction are arranged alpha– betically and the courses of instruction are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. Not all of these courses are given every year, some being given every second or third year, ac– cording to the demand for them. At some time in his course each student is thus given an opportunity to elect any of these courses that he desires and for which he is fitted. ASTRONOMY. PROFESSOR MORGAN. L GENERAL ASTRONOMY-The course is descriptive, and deals with the planets and their movements, the sun, meteors, comets, and other heavenly bodies. The text is Young's Manual. Elective. except for those who have taken the course as a part of 1he re– quired work in mathematics. Three hours a week, one semester. An additional conference hour may be required. BIBLE. PROFESSORS TAYLOR, MCCHESNEY AND ALI.EN . 2. 01.0 TESTAMENT-Patriarchal and Hebrew history, the He– brew kingdoms, poets and prophets arc the subjects of study. The text is Steele's Outlines. Required of all candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Three hours a week, first semester. 3. Ntw TESTAMENT-The life of Christ and the propagation of the Gospel constitute the work of the course. The text is Steele's Outlines. Required of all candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Three hours a week, second semester. 4. Eu:crlVE Brnu:-Consiclerable ad\,anced work in Bible is offered in courses to be agreed upon between "the classes and the professor. Elective. One hour a week throughout the year. 40