1911-1912 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE maire, and Comfort's Exercises in French Prose Composition. Re– quired in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course of those who ha,·e elected French in the third year. Elective for collegiate stu– dents who have complcted Beginning French. Fi,•e hours a week. one semester. Three hours' credit to collegiate students. 40. RF.AOING ANO COMPOSITION-Reading and composition are continued. The texts are Feval's La Fee des Greves, Pailleron's Le Monde ou !'on s'ennuie, and Comfort's French Prose Composition. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course of those who have elected French in the third year. Elective. for collegiate stll– dents who have completed Beginning French. Five hours a week, second semester. Three hours' credit to collegiate students. 50. ANTHOLOGY OF FRENCH PROSE AND POETRY-Vreeland and Nichaud are the authors studied. Elective. Open to all who have had two years of French. Three hours a week, one semester. 51. FRE:--'CH PROSE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY-The works of George Sand, Balzac, Daudct, Zola, and others are read. Elect– ive. Open to all who have had two years of French. T hree hours a week throughout the year. 52. FRENCH PROSE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY-Selections from Voltaire and Rousseau are read. Elective. Open to all who have had two years of French. Three hours a week, one semester. 53. EARLIER PROSE OF THE NINl:."TEENTH CENTUIW-Selections are read from the works of Chateaubriand and Victor Hugo. Elect– ive. Open to all who have had two years of French. Three hours a week. one semester. 54. FRENCH POETRY-The work of this course consists of a careful study of typical French lyrics. Elective. Open to al\ who have had two years of French. Three hours a week, one semester. GEOGRAPHY. PROFESSOR LANNING. 55. DESCRIPTIVE-A thorough review of descriptive and political geography is accompanied by suggestions as to the proper methods of presenting the subject. The text is Redway and Hinman's. Re– quired in the first year of the Two-Year Normal Course, and in the Teachers' Review Course. Three hours a week, second semester. ••