1911-1912 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE Col...UGE lll. ALGEBRA-This is an advanced course in algebra, in which the chief topics are progressions, permutations and combinations, probability, complex numbers, theory of equations, determinants and infinite series. The text is Wentworth's. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required wcrk in mathe– matics. Three hours a week, one semester. An additional confer– ence hour may be required. l12. TRIGONOMETRY-Trigonometric functions arc studied with respect to their relation to the solution of the triangle, both plane and spherical. Practical problems arc given; also problems in sur– veying, navigation, and astronomy. The text is Wentworth's. Elect– ive for all who have not taken the course as a part of the re– quired work in mathematics. Three hours a week, one semester. An additional conference hour may be required. 113. SURVEYING-Much time is given to field work, involving the use of chain, compass, transit, and level. Systematic and ac– curate field notes are required. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in mathematics. Three hours a week, one semester. An additional conference hour may be required. ]14. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY-Rectilinear and polar co-ordi– nates, with their applications to the point, line, circle, conic sections, and higher planes are studied. The text is Smith and Gale's Ele– ments. Elective. T hree hours a week throughout the year. An additional conference hour may be required. l15. CALCULUs-The course comprises both differential and integral calculus, with their applications to physical and kindred problems. The text is Granvill's. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. An additional conference hour may be re– quired. MISSIONS. PROFESSOR MCCHESNEY. l16. GENERAL COURSE IN MISSIONS-The problems, possibili– ties, means, and obligation of evangelizing the world in this gen– eration, and the motives, aims and methods of the foreign mis– sionary are studied. The texts are Mott's and Brown's. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. 56