1911-1912 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE CoLLECE December 8, 1910, Claron L. Shafer, Columbus, Ohio, "The Right Use of Opportunities." January 15, 191l, Samuel Higginbottom, Superintendent Naini Leper Asylum, Naini, India, ..Mission Work Among Lepers." January 31, 1911, Rev. David McKinney, D. D., LL. D., P resident of Cedarville College, ··~laking Good." February 10, 1911, Rev. J. S. l\1cMichael, Pastor United Pres– byterian Church, Cedarville, Ohio, "The Denominational College." February 21, 1911, Rev. William E. Putt, D. D., Pastor Metho– dist Episcopal Church, Cedarville, Ohio, "The Eclipse of the Apos– tolic Church." February 23, 1911, Rev. T. J. Allen, D. D., Beaver Falls, Pa., "The Tabernacle." February 27, 1911, S. Calvin \Vright. Editor Cedarville Rec– ord, Cedarville, Ohio, "The Layman's l'\'lissionary Movement." February 28, 1911, Rev. T. J. Allen, D. D, Beaver Falls, Pa., '"The Temple."