1911-1912 Academic Catalog

DEPARTMENT OF ORATORY Miss CRESWELL, Director. In this department much attention is given to the development of a pleasing, cultured, lyrical voice, including the fundamenlal prin• ciples of correct breathing, vowel sounds, and articulation. Gesture, as the natural and spontaneous outcome of the emotions, is taught. This insures easy and graceful bodily action in public speaking. A correct interpretation of the selections for study is the funda• mental factor in successful public reading. The principles for such interpretation arc therefore taught. Much time is devoted to the finished and polished platform rendering of orations and selections from the best literature. ELECTIVE ORATORY. Elective work in oratory to the amount of fifteen credits will be counted towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts. One lesson .a week for one semester constitutes the work required for one credit. Students electing oratory must pay the usual fees for les– sons in oratory in addition to their collegiate tuition fees. RATES OF TUITION. The rates of tuition in the Department of Oratory arc eight dollars for eighteen lessons, payable in advance, or fifty cents for single lessons. A contingent fee of one dollar per semester is required of all students in oratory who have not paid the three– dollar contingent fee in some other department of the College. DEPARTMENT OF ART Miss ANKENEY, Director. The purpose of this department is to instruct the mind in the principles of .esthetics and to train the hand to apply these principles in practice. China painting, water color, pastel, wood carving, and leather work are taught. RATE OF TUITION. The rate of tuition in the Department of Art is seventy-five cents for each lesson of three hours. 05