1911-1912 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Gavelytc, 17. General Regulations, 22, 23. g~~f;;;,h~, 9 -48, 49. Geometry, 55, 56. German. 49, 50. Gibson Fund, 11. Goven1ment, 59. Grading, 22. 23. Graduate Courses, 27, 28, 42- 60. g~:~:::i~~~· ki,:1i~~: ~~~ 19 · Greek, 50, 51. Gymnasium, 13. Harmony, 63. 64. Harper Fund. 12. Hebrew, 51. 52. Historical Statement, 10. History, 52, 53. History of Education, 44. History of Philosophy, 57, 58. Honorary Degrees, 72. Income, 11. Industrial History, 43. International Law. 59. International Politics, 59. Laboratories, 13. Laboratory Fees, 29, 30. Labor Problems, 43. Latin. 53-55. Law, International, 59. Lectures, 3, 4, 15. Library, 14. Limit of Work, 28, 29, 38, 39. Literary Societies, 15. Literary Requirements, 16, 23. Local Advisory Board, 7. Location, JO, Jl. Logic, 55. Lyons Fund, 12. McLeod Fund, 12. 1lajor Studies, 25-27. Master's Degree, 27, 28. s, ~lathematics, 55, 56. ~:~:\J~cJ 11 ~'/ 0 ~'d1~-ssion, 19-21. 1letaphvsics, 58. l\linQr Srndies, 26, 28. Missions, 18, 56, 57. Monopolies, 42, 43. Music, 57, 63, 64. Normal Courses, 31-33. Normal Department, 31-35. Observation of Teaching, 32. Officers, 8, 9, 82. Oratorical Association, 16. Oratorical Contests, 16. Oratory, 57, 65. Organizations, 15-18. Painting, 65. Pastel, 65. Pedagogy, 44--15. Philosophy, 57-58. Physics, 58. PhysK>logy, 41. Pianoforte, 63. Poetry, English, 46, 47. Politics, 59. Political Science, 58-60. Prac:ice in Teaching, 32, 33. Preparatory Courses, 37, 38. Preparatory Department, 30-39. Prizes. 16, 17. Psychology, 60, 61. Purpose of CedarviJle College, 2. Reading Circle Text, 44. Recitals, 64. Regulations, 22, 23. Religion, 61. Religious Organizations, J7, 18. Requirements for Admission, Hl-21, 24, 31, 36. Requirements for Classifica– tion, 29. Requirements for Degrees, 24- 28.