1912-1913 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLE(;£ HARPER FUND. Mr. G. 'W. Harper and wife, of Cedarville, gener– ously gave $5,000 for the founding and maintenance of a chair of Sociology and Economics, provided the friends of the College raise an additional $5,000. The fund was raised, and instruction began in September, 1906. JAMES LYONS FUND. The College is gratefully indebted to Mr. John R. Lyons, of Marissa, Illinois, who gave $500 to be funded as a memorial to his son, James Lyons, who gave his life as a sacrifice to his country during the Civil War. McLEOD MEMORIAL FUND. In the articles of union of the Twelfth Street Re– formed Presbyterian Church with the Scotch Presby– terian Church, New York City, provision was made by the trustees of the united congregation to pay to Cedar– ville College the interest on $5,000 on May 14th and Kovember 14th, each year, from the McLeod Memorial Fund, in memory of Drs. Alexander McLeod and John Neil McLeod, father and son, distinguished ministers of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, whose combined pastorates of the Twelfth Street New York congregation covered the period from 1801 to 1874. The Presbytery of New York and Vermont also donated $2,000 to the College to the same revered mem– ory. 10