1912-1913 Academic Catalog
Ci::OARVfLLE COLLECE I. The following prescribed studies to the amount of twenty-four semester hours : 1. Bible (six semester hours). 2. Rhetoric (six semester hours). 3. Psychology (three semester-hours) . 4. Logic (three semester-hours) . 5. Ethics (three semester-hours). 6. Apologetics (three semester-hours). II. A number of group studies to the amount of forty-eight semester-hours : 1. Twelve semester-hours' work, including two– years' work in one language or one year's work in each of two larwuages, selected from the following : a. ench. b. German. c. Latin. d. Greek 2. Twelve semester-hours' work, selected from the following sciences, two of the three sciences being pur– sued throughout an entire year : a. Biology and Zoology (six semester-hours). b. Chemistry (six semester-hours). c. Physics (six semester-hours). 3. Six semeser-hours' work selected from the fot- lowing courses : a. A lgebra (three sem ester-hours) . b. Trigonometry (three semester-hours). c. Surveying (three semester-hours). d. Astronomy (three semester-hours) . Jn addition to the three hours in mathematics one conference hour per week may be required by the pro– fessor g iving the course, but credit shall be given for only three semester-hours. 22
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