1912-1913 Academic Catalog

COURSES IN PSYCHOLOCY and relations of Crown, Cabinet, and Parliament. The text is Moran's. Elective for all who have nol taken the course as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, one semester. 137. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT-This course embraces a com• parativc study of the organization and administration of city gov– ernment in Europe and the Uniled States. The texts are Shaw's and Goodnow's. Elective for those who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, one semester. 138. PARTY GOVERNMENT-T his course takes up the study of the party system in the United States, its origin, theory, and de– velopment. The text is Macy's. Elective for those who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, one semester. 139. COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT-This course embraces a dis• cussion of the general principles of jurisprudence and politics, the various theories of the State, the growth of governments, their present tendencies and international relations. The text is Wilson's The State. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, one semester. 140. INTERNATIONAL LA\~The origin, progress, and princi– ples of international law are studied, illustrated, and thoroughly discussed. The text is Davis' Elements. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, one semester. 141. INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-The subject is studied with special reference to the relations of rthe United States to other nations. The text is Coolidge's The United States as a World Power. Elective for aU who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, one semester. PSYCHOLOGY. PROFESSOR MCCHESNEY. 142. GENERAL PsYCHOLOCY-Human psychology is presented in its phases of the relation of the body <to consciousness, sensation, perception, memory, feelings, imagination, thought, reasoning, and ''