1912-1913 Academic Catalog
LECTURES AND ADDRESSES, 1911-1912. March 10, 1911, "The Bible and Foreign Missions," 1'1r. W. G. Evans, Cardiff, Wale's. March 10, 1911, "Foreign Missions; the Field and the Need," Rev. Roswell W. Caldwell, Cairo, Egypt. :March 10, 1911, "Why I Became a Student Volunteer," Mr. H. VV. Funnell, Christchurch, New Zealand. March 10, 1911, "The Student Volunteer Band," Mr. A. D. Anderson, Xenia Theological Seminary, Xenia, Ohio. March 10, 1911, "The Student Volunteer Movement," Rev. P. J. Smith, Ooleib Hill, Egyptian Sudan. March 17, 1911, "New Zealand," Mr. H. \V. Funnell, Christ· church, New Zealand. March 27, 1911, "The Tragedy of the Incompetent,'' Re\•. Thomas H. McMichael, D.D., President of Monmouth College, l\fonmouth, Illinois. May 19, 1911, "Altruism," Rev. W illiam R. Graham, Pastor Presbyterian Church, Yellow Springs, Ohio, and Editor Greene Co1mty Trib1111c. June 8, l!ll 1, Annual Address to the Literary Socities, Rev. R. T. Mason, Pastor Presbyterian Church, Xenia, Ohio. J une 9, 1911, Commencement Address, Rev. Levi Gilbert, D.D, LL.D., Editor \Vestern Christian Advocate, Cincinnati, Ohio. September 13, 1911, Opening Address. Rev. Joseph Kyle, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics in Xenia Theological Seminary, Xenia, Ohio. September JS, 191 I, "The Initiative and Referendum." Leroy Allen, Professor of Economics and Sociology in Cedarville College.
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