1912-1913 Academic Catalog

L ECTURES AND ADDRESSES September 25, 1911, "The Old Testament," F. A. Jurkat, Pro– fessor of i\lodern Languages and History in Cedarville College. September 28, HIil, "Practical Work for Women," Miss Eliz– abeth Hughes, Y. \·V. C. A. Secretary for Ohio and West Virginia, Cincinnati, Ohio. October 2, Hill, "Mission ·work in Egypt," Miss Lorimer, Cairo, Egypt. October 9, 1911, "A Modern Method of Purifying Water," R. A. Lanning, Professor of Natural Science in Cedarville College. November 23, 1911, "Knights of the Twentieth Century," and •'Sour Grapes," Professor T. VV. Shannon, Fredericktown, Missouri. January 4, 1912, "Value of a College Education in Business," Professor Alanson L. Palmer, Akron, Ohio. January 30, 1912, Opening Address of the Second Semester, "Foreign Immigration," Rev. 1\1Iills J. Taylor, Pastor Reformed Presbyterian Church, Cedarville, Ohio. January 30, 1912, "Mission \,Vork in Japan," Rev. Raymond Porter Gorbold, Presbyterian ~lissionary, Kioto, Japan. February 9, 1912, Day of Prayer for Colleges. "The Mystery of the Gospel," Rev. ]. E. W ishart, D.D., Professor of Hebrew Exegesis and Old Testament Literature in Xenia T heological Sem– inary, Xenia, Ohio. February 12-15, 1912, A Series of Four Lectures on "Social Ethics": 1. "T he State;" 2. "The State and Go,,ernment;" 3. "T he Church and the Government;" 4. "The State and God," Professor J. M. Coleman, Beaver Falls, Pa. February 23, 1912, ''Educational Ideals," Rev. Aaron S. Wat– kins, LL.D., Ada, Ohio.