1912-1913 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 1906. Effie l\'[ay Crawford-Hanna, A.B.. ......... Milan, Ill. Claude Estle, Ph.B.. . .......................Columbus, Ohio Student in lhe Starling-Ohio Medical College. Joseph Austin Finney, A.B.. . ..........Columbus, Ohio Law Student in the Ohio State University. Peter Knott, A.B. . ......................Springfield, Ohio Agriculturist. :Martha Pearle McCampbell, A.B .....................Xenia, Ohio Teacher. P rof. \Valter \Vylie Morton, A.B.. . .. Richmond, Va. Student in Union Theological Seminary. Professor Jones Emerson Shaw, A.B.. .Portal, N. D. Instructor in the High School. \Valter Rainer Shaw, Ph.B....185 Chauncey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Social Settlement \-Yorker. Louise Harlihy Smith, !\lusic.. . ....Cedarville, Ohio Mary Eleanor Smith, Ph.B........ .434 W. Main St., Kent, Ohio Teacher. 10 1907. Charles Llewellyn Baskin, A.B.. . ..... Ann Arbor, Mich. Medical Student, 'University of Michigan. Fern Clarissa Ervin-i\larshall, A.B.. . ..Xenia, Ohio Margaret Jane Lackey, A.B.. . ......Jamestown, Ohio Jesse Carl i\Iarshall, Ph.B.. .Xenia, Ohio Deputy Clerk of Courts of Greene County. Leroy Tate Marshall, Ph.B.. . ... Xenia, Ohio Lawyer, Clerk of Courts of Greene County. Anna Belle Middleton. !>.lusic.. . .... Yellow Springs, Ohio Ina i\lae Murdock, A.B.. .Cedarville, Ohio Nellie G. Siebert, Music.. .Jeffersonville, Ohio Music Teacher. George Cameron Stewart, A.B.. . ....Columbus, Ohio Student in the Starling-Ohio Medical College. Rev. Clarence Gordon Ware, A.B. . .......... Zillah, \-Vash. Pastor Presbyterian Church. 7l