1912-1913 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE COLLECE 1910. Ada Allen, A.B.. . .Seville, Ohio Principal of the High School. Robert Fred Bird, A.8. . . ....St. Louis, Mo. In business. David John Brigham, A.B.. . .2330 N. Halsted St., Chicago, Ill. Student in the McCormick Theological Seminary. Anna Alberta Creswell, A.B.. . ........Cedarville, Ohio Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory in Cedarville College. Andrew Sterrett Creswell, A.B .................. .Cedarville, Ohio Agriculturist. Howard Chalmers Creswell, A.B. . .. Cedarville, Ohio Agriculturist. Samuel Franklin Creswell, A.B ............... Hale Center, Texas Agriculturist. Ruth Alice Flatter, Music........................Springfield, Ohio Howard McMillan Harbison, A.B.. . . ......Canyon City, Colo. In business. Ralph John Hill, A.B'.. . .. Cedarville, Ohio Teacher. Della McCann, Music.. . ........Jeffersonville, Ohio Student of Music in Cedarville College. Ethel Isabel McMillan, A.B .. . . . .Mendon, Ohio Teacher. Mary Jeannette Orr, A.l\l . . . .Cedarville, Ohio Teacher. William W . Ritter, A.B.. . .. Allegheny, Pa. Student in the Allegheny Theological Seminary (United Presbyterian). Edward B. Shaw, A.B............371 Ridge Ave., Allegheny, Pa. Student in the \.Vestern Theological Seminary. Ella Inez Shepherd, Music.. .......Cedarville, Ohio Clerk in the Post-office. Prof. John Kenneth \Villiamson, A.B.. . .... Fargo, N. D. Instructor in the High School. 17 76
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