1913-1914 Academic Catalog

RATORICAL SSOC'f\TIO . r ular collegiat cla may omp t . ny chapt r of the Bihl or any portion of uch may b r ad. The judg s are to b a minist r, a hri tian layman, and a teach r of locution. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. edarville ollege i a memb r of the Ohio Inter– collegiate Oratorical A sociation, which, in turn, i a diYi ion of the Interstate A ociation, including ten of the 1 ading tate of the fiddle We t. A preliminary oratorical conte t i held during the fir t eme ter of ach year the winner repr enting the ollege in the Rtate conte t. The winner of the latter repre ents the tate of Ohio in the interstate conte t. This association with which the College i connected is the olde t and · largest oratorical a sociation in the United States, many ot' the eminent statesmen and orators of the day having received much of their early training in its contests. THE GAVELYTE. The Gavelyte is a monthly magazine reflecting the thought and life of the ollege. The first number ap– peared in January, 1906. It has increased in interest with each issue and has already become an important factor in student activities. RELIGIOUS ADVANTAGES . There are four flouri hing churches in town: Ieth– odi t Episcopal, nited Presbyterian, Reformed Pres– byterian (Synod), Reformed Pre byterian (General Synod). Every member of the Faculty and nearly every student in attendance this year is a professed Christian. All students are required to attend the church designated 14