1913-1914 Academic Catalog
REQUIRE fENTS FOR. TUE MA TER. 's DEGREE. o conr e ounted un l r any oth r head may b con idered a part of the major or minor tudy. V. )j,ree electiYe to the amount of eighteen me - ter-hour elected from any department of instruction. B. A the is of at lea t two thou and word upon ome subject connected with the department of in– ·truction in which the major study i taken, and m eting ·ffith the approval of the profe sor at the head of that department. The title of the thesis must be submitted not later than the fir t of February pr eceding graduation, a copy of the the i not later than the first of fay, and a corrected, type-written copy not later than the Saturday preceding graduation. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS. The requirements for t he degree of Master of Art s are: A. The acquisition of a Bachelor 's degree from Ce– darville College or from an institution of equal standing. B. Twent y-four semester-hours of r esidence work not counted towards the Bachelor 's degree, distributed as follows : I. A major study including six semester-hours' wor k t o be sel ect ed from one of the following depart– ments : 1. Bible and Missions. 2. Education. 3. English. 4. French. 5. German. 6. Gr eek. 7. Hi tory. 22
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