1913-1914 Academic Catalog
Ullfll1ARY OF EXPE SES. th middle of the me t r, a r bate of on -half of the tuition fee ,vill be granted. therwi no rebate will be granted. EXPENSES. Expen at edarville are probably a low a can b found anywhere in the nited tates, and are much lower than in many other places. Exp n e for clothing, laundry and sundries vary greatly with the individual, who can, therefore, better estimate them for him elf. College fees, boarding, room rent, and co t of text-books vary with the locality. Consequently, the following e - timate are ba ed upon these items. In the years in ,vhich science cour es are taken, ten dollars must be added for laboratory fees and from three to ten for breakage in courses in chemistry. Only two courses in science are required, and chemi try need not be one of them. Laboratory fees are also, therefore, practically individual expenses. SUMMARY OF EXPENSES FOR A YEAR. Lowest Cost. Boarding, $2.40 to $3.00 per week. ___ $ 86.40 Rent, heat, light, $1.00 to $1.50________ 36.00 '1 1 uition and contingent fees -------------- 36.00 Text-books --------------------------------------- ·---- 5.00 Total ----------------------------------------------$163.40 26 Highest Necessary Cost. ·$108.00 54.00 36.00 10.00 $208.00
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