1913-1914 Academic Catalog

PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION. Applicant for admi ion to th fir t y ar of the Preparatory our e mu t have completed work in the common branche of tudy equivalent to that usually completed in th fir t ight year of the public school, and will be examined in reading, g ography, United "'tate hi tory, phy iology, penman hip, drawing, or– thography, arithmetic and Engli h grammar. A Patter on certificate or atisfactory grades from public chool will excu e an applicant from examma– tion in all ubjects except Engli h grammar. In Eng~ li h grammar, an examination based on Reed and Kel– logg' Higher Engli h must be taken by all applicants for admi ion to the Preparatory Department. Those failing to obtain a grade of ixty-:five per centum in this examination will be admitted, but required to take a review cour e in English grammar throughout the first year. Applicant for admission to any cla s above the first preparatory clas shall, in addition to meeting the above requirements for admission, either present satis– factory grades or certificates, or pass examinations in c1ll ubjects already pursued by the class which they de– sire to enter. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. Upon the completion of the following courses of study, a diploma of graduation will be conferred. At the beginning of the third year the student elects either 30