1913-1914 Academic Catalog

OURSES I HE 11STRY, Yelly 's. Elective for all who have not taken the course, as a part of the required work in science. Three hours a week, one semester, with three additional hours of laboratory work. CHEMISTRY. PROFESSOR LAN TI TG. 22. GE ERAL CHEMISTRY-The course forms an introduction to the science, con isting of a study of the various elements and their compounds as to their occul'l'ence, preparation, properties, and use. The text-book is McPherson and Henderson's. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in science. Three hours a week throughout the year, with three additional hours of laboratory work. 23. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS-This course consists of a study of metals and acids and the tests for each, followed by practical work on salts, alloys, and other common substances. The text-book is· oyes' Qualitative Analysis. Elective. Open to all who have com– pleted General Chemistry. Three hours a week throughout the year. 24. QUA ' TITATIVE ANALYSIS-This course consists of the prin– ciples of gravimetric and volumetric analysis, with practical work in ores, limestone, fertilizers, and technical products. The text-book is Foulk 's Quantitative Analysis. Elective. Open to all who have completed Qualitative Analysis. Three hours a week throughout the ye:::r. 25. ADVANCED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL PHIL· OSOPHY-This course is especially recommended to those w_ho expect to teach chemistry. The text-book is ewth 's Inorganic Chemistry. Bennett's Laboratory Manual is used. Elective. Open to all who have completed General Chemistry. Three hours a week throughout the year, with three additional hours of laboratory work. 26. HOUSEHOLD CHEMISTRY-This course is devoted to the an– alysis of foods, including the detection or adulterations and pre– servatives, the determination of the purity of soda, baking po-wder, and cream of tartar, the analysis of milk and milk products, the analysis of food-stuffs to determine the nutritive value; the exam– ination of tea, coffee, cocoa, sugar, flavoring extracts, jellies, candy, ice cream. The text-book is Blanchard's Household Chemistry for 88