1913-1914 Academic Catalog

COCRSE I~. ENGLISH, :ibjee:t . Genung Practical Element and Handbook are the text– ook • Required of all candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Three hour a week, fir t seme ter. RHETORIC-E ay , debate', and continuation of text-book Genung' Praetical Element and Handbook are the text– Required of all candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Three hour a week, econd emester. i:i4. E~·Gu H POETRY--Thi cour e include a tudy of ,er e trueture and an analy i of ~elected poem ; al o a critical tudy of arly nineteenth century poet , Coleridge, cott, Byron, helley, at.. Electi, e for all who haYe not taken the cour e a a part of b nquir d "ork in En li h. Three hour a week, one eme ter. HAKE PEARE-A careful tudy and analy i i made of hake p ar ' tragedie and comedie . Other are read Written ·ri ique are required. ElectiYe for all who haye a ,n the cour e a a part of the required work in Engli h. our~ a k, one . eme ter. TH E. A Y-- ele<:ted e ay of Ru kin, Erner on, and oth– ollateral reading i required and oral report are given in cla . Electi,·e for not tak n the <:our. e a a part of the required work in Thrt e llom a "eek, one seme ter. 'l lIE ... TOY L-The deY lopment of the no,el from it earli– t o that of tL 1 modern hort .. to1y i traced. Each tudent reading and prepare ro. s' DeYelopment for all "ho hay not taken the course r qu ir~d \\Ork in Engli. h. Thr hour a week, one ' ITJ 'G-A ·ttr ful . tu<l. i. made of the in Lugfo-h. 'I hne huur a Ur\t) taKt:U 01 3