1913-1914 Academic Catalog
COURSE IN HISTORY. Required in the econd year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a eek, _econd ueme ter. 97. A.'CIE.'T--Ancient bi tory i tudied, clo ing with Charle- magne. The text-book is We t' , with collateral reading. Elective for all who ha e not taken the cour e a a part of the required work in bLtory. Three hours a week throughout the year. 9 . :MODER.'-:Modern bi tory i pur ued with e pecial empha– on the French Revolution. The text-book is We t' , with col– la er&l reading. Electi,e for all who ha,e not taken the course as a J1art of the required work in hi tory. Three hour a week through– out the year. 9H. OLO.'IAL- olonial bi tory to the French .and Indian ar i. ~ udied. The text-book i Fi lier Colonial Era. Elective f r all who ha,e not taken the cour e a a part of the required ork in hLtory. Three hour a week, one seme ter. 100. RE,OLUTIO."ARY-Thi cour e complete the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. The text-book is loane 's ~n ·h \Var and American Revolution. Elective for all who have ot taken the cour.e a a part of the required work in history. Three I our a week, one ~eme ter. 101. • TATIO."AL-The formation of the American nion and the hi t r of t e nation to 1fonroe' admini tration i tudied. The t ~xt-Look L 'i alker )faking of the .1. ation. Elective for all who L' not tak n the cour.e a a part of the required work in hi tory. Thre hour a "e k, on _eme t er. 1 2. .IlDDLE PERIOD-The period from 1Ionroe' admini tra– t10n to the ( hil War i · . tudi d. The text-book i Burge ' ::\Iid- 1 I eiiod. Elect iv fo1 all "ho haYe not taken the cour e a a part o t nquind work in hr tory. Three hour a week, one eme ter. 103. , OGRAPJHL'-Thr bearing of geography on nationality is tudi T t t-Look i Brigham' G o raphic Influenc on Am nca11 Hi to1). El eti\'e or all "ho h:n not taken the cour e of tLe I equi1 ed "01 k in hi tory. Thre hour· a we k, one TA'l t: -A compr h n. iv r Yiew taken of 'flt te t-hook it. .foutgo111 Electi\' in the 'J lu t • llour~ a " ek, on . em . t r. 49
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