1913-1914 Academic Catalog
CoUR ES r.' PHY res. of the predominant ,iew in the -ariou period of the abo,e med a e. . The bibliography is exhau ti,e, and the reference are The text-book i Weber' . Electi,e. Three homs a eek, one eme ter. 142. OuTLL-ES OF :METAPHYSIC -Thi subject pre ent the nature of metaphy ic , the world from different viewpoint , the •ubj eetiYity of en ation, pace, time, reality, God, and ideali m, ·th _u ge ted cour e of reading. The text-book i nowden 's The' orld a piritual y tern. EleetiYe. Three hour a week, one E;eme_ter. 143. LoGic-The ~ubj ect i taken up in a y tematie manner, term, , propo ition , and yllogi ms being followed by a tudy of fallacie and practical example . The text-book i Jevons-Hill. Required of all candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Three hour a week, one eme ter. 144. ETHIC -Theoretical and practical ethics constitute the ork of the cour e. Yirtue, freedom, duty, and individual and soc.-ial obligation are tudied. The text-book is Gregory's. Re– quired of all candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Three llour a eek, one eme ter. PHYSICS. PRO FE SOR LAN-'I.'G, 145. ELEME-'TA&Y PHY res-The fundamental principles, with laboratory work, are pre ented. The text-book is Carhart and Chute's. quir d in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a , k throughout the year. l 46. G ' ERAL PHY rc s___:M:echanic , heat, electricity, sound, nd H ht are tudied. L ctur are given, and laboratory work 1 quii d. Th text -book 1 Carhart' College Phy ic . Elective for all o ha ·e not taken the cour e as a part of the required work Thr hour a w ek throughout the year, with three a 1tioL1al hour of laboratory work. 147. ALNA ' O:D PH\ I -Th cour e con i ts of r citations, , wl l l>mator \\Olk. The text-book i Miller' . Electiv for eompleted n ral Phy ic . Three hours a we k y a1. 55
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