1913-1914 Academic Catalog

Ol.'R E I•. P YCHOLOGY. 154. L"TER.".A.TIO."AL LA.w-The origin progre s, and princi– ple of international law are tudied, illu trated, and thoroughly di cu ed. The text-book i Davi ' Element . Elective for all who ba,e not taken the cour~e a a part of the required work in social science. Three hour a week, one seme ter. 155. L"TER.".A.TIO."AL POLITIC -The ubject i tudied with special reference o the relation of the United tates to other nation . The text-book i Coolidge' The United tates as a World ower. Electi,e for all who have not taken the cour e as a part of the required work in ocial cience. Three hours a week, one seme~ er. 156. P.A.RLUME• •T.A.RY L.A.w-The work of thi cour e include11 in_ ruction in fundamental principle and actual practice in conduct– ing pul.,lic meeting . The text-book i Gu bing' Manual of Parlia – mentary Practice. Electi,e. One hour a week, one seme ter. PSYCHOLOGY. PROFE OR Mc HESKEY, 157. GEKERAL P YCHOLOGY-Human p ychology is pre ented n it pha~e~ of the relation of he body to con ciou ne , en ation, perception, memory, feeling , imagination, thought, rea oning, and th ·11. The text-book are Wenzlaff' , and Jame ' Briefer Cour e. R quired of all candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Art . Three hour a ·e k, one ,. me ter. Ji, . 'ERA.L P Y HOLOGY-The tudy of General P ychology The xt-Look v,ork i upplemented by lecture and TL t t-book are Judd' General P ychology and Doak. El cth· Three hour a w ek, one eme ter. J , • PA.RA.TIV P · HOLOGY-Thi. cour e pr ent a thor- Li toi i<-al k tcb of th p .. ehology of the animal mind. The 1 t and 1 , rh lirat form will be tudi d from the tandpoint e • Ek ti\l!. Th1 hour a w k, one em st r. It AL P \ CHOL GY-llallul'ination, d lu ·ion, illu– u , ri> tion, altt'r a pe1 onnlity, telepathy, mo– for111 the th me of tudy. El ct- com i- con:id r th of t rniniug and acqm it ion o know}. 57