1913-1914 Academic Catalog
OUR E L' OCIOLOGY. i,e for all who ha,e not taken the cour e a a part of the required 01 k in ocial cience. Three hour a week, one emester. 16 . OCIALISM-A tudy of the pirit and meaning of the no, ement and a careful consideration of the arguments for and gain t oeiali tic propo al con titute the work. The text-book are Kirkup' Inquiry into ociali m and Hi tory of ociali m. Elective for all who ha,e not taken the couri;e a a part of the required work n ocial cienc:e. Three hour a week, one emester. 169. OCIAL PROBLEM -The problems of population, immigra- tion, gro th of citie~, wealth and poverty, marriage and di,orce, and other will recei,e careful attention. The ubject is pre ented by mean of lecture and text-books. Various text-book are u ed. Ele<:ti,e for all who ha,e not taken the course a a part of the 1 quir d ork in ocial cience. Three hour a week, one seme ter. 170. RARITIES AND CoRRECTIO.·s-The dependent, defective and delinquent clas e , and the admini tration of charitable and orrectional affair. , are the topics of tudy. The text-books are Ilenaerson 's and Devine 's. Elective for all who have not taken the rour e a a part of the required work in sociil.l science. Three hours a e k, one eme ter. lil. APPLIED OCIOLOGY'-The pos ibility of the conscious im– prol"ement of .oc1ety by ociety is made the subject of study. The text -book i Ward' Applied ociology. Elective for all who have not taken the cour_e a a part of the required work in social cience. TLree hour a eek, one eme ter. fi9
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