1913-1914 Academic Catalog
LI T OF TCDL. T Cora Marie Mc ampbell, Xenia, Ohio. _fary Ethel _foCampbell, :Xenia, Ohio. 4. SOPHOMORES. AndI e"· R-0ge~ ollin , Cedar,ille, Ohio. lint-0n Robert Fitch, Cedarville, Ohio. .l annette Ru herford Fi ch, Cedarville, Ohio. Eleanor Rachel Kyle, parland, Ill. lyde Agne 'hiplett, Mt. Perry, Ohio. 5. FRESHMEN. Ruth 0'Wing-, incinnati, Ohio. harle Kenneth Montgomery Ritchie, lifton, Ohio. Elia Wetherholt i on, Pine Grove, Ohio. 3. SPECIAL STUDENTS. • fartha Lucile Haine , edarv-ille, Ohio. Anna Mary UcCorkell, Cedarville, Ohio. 2. TEACHERS ' DEPARTMENT. Rob rt Bruce Ander on, Cedarville, Ohio. Donna Hall Burn , Cedan·ille, Ohio. R Jen Loui e Edward , Oregonia, Ohio. Kane. Ethalinda Finney, edarville, Ohio. Jane Earl .fc lellan, Xenia, Ohio. Jan t Eliza M:c lellan, Xenia, Ohio. John K nneth Bixl 1 Putt, .C darville, Ohio. • 1ary th 1 To"n ley, edanille, Ohio. . f ·Millan To'Wn ley, da1Tille, Ohio. Economy, Ind. Tori nt' William on, edarville, Ohio. ] 1. DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. l'hB, tcJa1,1ll, Oh10 t 0 il Bum~ dan ille, Ohio. 011u~1, Jam to n, Lio. u, ' ' 001,u, t dan ill , Ohio.
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