1913-1914 Academic Catalog

LIST F GRADUATE 1900. Cora Agne Ander on, Ph.B., Lulu ~fay Coe (Mr . Alfred E. R. D. 2. pringfield, Ohio, Teacher. waby), Ph.B., Cedar,ille, Ohio, ReY. Walter AYi Condon, A.B., B.D., Trenton, Ohio, Pa tor 1:nited Pre byterian Church. Prof. Jame Robb Harper, A.B., 719 Park A,e., Wilmette, Ill., 1..:uperintendent of chool . arah Elizabeth Hopping (Mrs. Carl G. Paull), Ph.B., Mu ic, A.B., 10 t . .J. Tichola Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Re,. William Wallace Iliffe, A..B., 57 Waverly t., Brookline, Aa ., Pa tor Pre byterian Church. Bertha L. Knott, Ph.B., pringfield, Ohio, Teacher. ~fary Beatrice Knott, Ph.B., pringfield, Ohio. .J. Tellie Byrd Lewi , M.., rbana, Ohio, In tructor in High ...chool. Anna Myrtle Orr (Mrs. Robert B. Wil on), Ph.B., Hill boro, Ill. Rev. Barnett McLeod Paul, A.B., B.D., ew Bedford, Pa., Pastor Pre:;,byterian Church. ~ T llie Fern tick, A.B., 507 Board of Trade, Columbu , Ohio, tenographer. ReY. larence Andrew Young, A.M., Ph.D., 19 Wabon t., R-0:xbury, Bo ton, Ma ., Pa tor Roxbury Pre byterian Church. 13. 1901. J. Frederick Ander on, Ph.B., LL.B., 401 Bushnell Bldg., pring- field, hio, Lawy r. Oln Da\'i oe, Ph.B., edar,ille, Ohio, R. D. 2. Jean Blau b ErYin (.fr . 0, ear mith), Ph.B., CedarYille, Ohio. Elkana E. Finney, A.B., B. ' .A.gr ., elma, Ohio, Farmer. R v. Rob rt lyde Galbreath, A.B., 102 Jack on Ave., u que– banna, Pa., Pa~tor Fir t Pie byt rian hurch. r. John tdl G orge, A.• L, .LD., rchard pring' ani- t Jlum, lJa ·ton Ohio, Phy ieian and urg on. Prof. tOJ •e Audr ,, H rp r, A.B., Wilmette, Ill., In tructor in t lit111 ti , in lli,.:b e hool. l . l I ut Bo ·d \\'il. on, .13., Hill-:boro, Ill., Pa tor Pr ·by- 73