1913-1914 Academic Catalog

BEQUESTS. We urg upon th fri nd of darvill olleg the propri ty of r m mbering it in th ir wills, and if po - ible of contributing to it endowment at one . We n d $7 ,000. um of money or property amounting to $500 or over will be fund d, if o de ired, in th name of the giver, and the intere t alone u ed. It will thu be- ome a perpetual memorial. Twenty thousand dollars will e tabli h a chair in the name of the donor. FORM OF BEQUESTS. I give and bequeath to '' The Cedarville College, e- darville, Ohio,'' the sum of $................, or the following property (here specify and de cribe the property), for the uses and purpo es for which said corporation is au– thorized by law to acquire and hold property, and the receipt of the Treasurer of said College shall be a suffi– cient discharge to my executor. For other particulars address DAVID McKINNEY, D.D., LL.D., President. 218 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; W. R. McCHESNEY, Ph. D., Dean, Cedarville, Ohio; or LEROY ALLEN, Secretary of the Faculty, Cedarville, Ohio. 82