1914-1915 Academic Catalog
ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. col.legiate classes may compete. Any chapter of the Bible or any portion of such may be reacl. 'l'he judges are to be a minister. a Christian layman, and a teacher of elocution. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. Cedarville College is a member of the Ohio Inter– collegiate Oratorical Association, which, in turn, is a divi– sion of the Interstate Association, including ten of the lead– ing States of the 1\Iiddle "\Vest. A preliminary oratorical contest is held during the first semester of each year, the winner representing the College in the State contest. The winner of the latter represents the State of Ohio in the interstate contest. 'l'his association with which the CoUege is connected is the oldest and lat·gest oratorical association in the United States, many of the eminent statesmen and orators of the day having received much of their early ll·aining in its contests. THE GAVELYTE. 'L'hc Gavelyte is a monthly magazine reflecting the thought and life of the College. The first number ap– peared in January, 1906. Lt has increased in interest with each issue and has already become an important factor in student activities. RELIGIOUS ADVANTAGES. There arc four flourishing churches in town: Meth– odist Episcopnl, United P resbyterian, RefOl'med Presby– terian (Synod ), Reformed Prcsbyterinu (General Synod ). ]~very member of the Paculty and nearly every student in a.ttenclance this year is a professed Christian. AJI stu. dents are required to attend the church designated by their 14
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