1914-1915 Academic Catalog

parents, who are requested to send their written wishes as to which ehureh their children shall attend. Students of all Christian denominations are welcomed. The tempta– tions so numerous in large cities and overcrowded co11eges, are not found here. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. 'l'he Young Men 's Christian Association of Cedarville College was organized March 12, 1907. Like all similar societies, it extends the helping hand physically, intellectu– ally, morally, and spiritually to all the young men, thereby aiming to develop the whole man in the truest a nd best sense. YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. The Young Women's Christian Associ,1tion of Cedar– ville College was organized in l 909. Tt maintains all of those characteristic activities which have made this organ– ization such a power for good among the college girls of America. 15