1914-1915 Academic Catalog
G~:.'.EllAI. l\EGUJ•.\TIONS. s<·heclule of the semcs1cr and the approval of the J.,acuJty. '!'hey will, however, he subject to the general regulation"' of the College, and will be charged the regular rates of the dcpnrtments in which their work is clone. GENERAL REGULATIONS. L Punctual atteudance is required 011 the fi rst day of each semeste1·. l<'ailure to be present results seriously to class standing. 2. All students are re(Jnired to be punctual and reg– uln..r in their attendance at chapel. recitations. and all other exercises of the College. 3. Payment of dues must be made the first day. No student is enrolled in any class or recognized in any recita– tion until he pays his dues, 01· makes satisfactory arrange– ments with the Treasurer for them. 4. Students arc grad<.d daily on recitations. punctu– ality, :md general deportment. Unannounced tests are given from time to time during each semester, and a final examination at its close. Students who fail to obtain rul average grade of sixty-five per eentnm in recitations, tests. and final examination in any course are given no credit for that course. 5. At the close of each semester, statements with refer– ence to the students' sbrnding in scholarship, attendance. and deportment a re sent for examination to parents and guardians. 6. A certnin amount of literary work. in the form of declnmations, essays, orations, and debates, is re<1uircd of all students in the Collegiate, Teachers ', nnd Preparatory Depnrtments. 18
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