1914-1915 Academic Catalog

LIMIT Ol' WOTtK, 11. Political and Social Science. 12. Psychology and Philosophy. 11. A minor study, including six semester-hours' work to be selected from a department of instruction related to the major study, with the advice and consent of the pro– fessor at the head of the department in which the major study is taken. III. F ree electives to the amount of twelve semester– hours to be selected from any department of instruction. except those of art, music, orator.v, or domestic science. C. A thesis of at least three thousand words upon some subject connected with the department of instructio11 in which the major study is taken, and meeting with the approval of the professor at tbe head of that department. The title of the thesis must be submitted not later than the first of F ebruary preceding graduation, and a typewritten copy of the thesis not later than the first of May. LIMIT OF WORK. No student of the Collegiate Department will be per– mitted to take work for credit amounting to more thew eighteen hours per week per semester, and no student the average of whose grades for the preceding semester is less than ninety per cent. will be allowed to take work for credit amounting to more than sixteen hours per week pe1· semes– ter, except that a student who has obtained an average num– ber of credits of less than fifteen fot· each semester of his collegiate course may take noi exceeding eighteen hours ' work until the average number of his crPdits per semester is ec1ua1 to fifteen. 23